Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Back at it!

Here I am again, asking myself why do I forget how good it feels to take better care of me. I spent 2 solid years at my goal weight as determined by weight watchers,and than when covid hit, the downslide began. Gym closed, walking outside was my go too, but boredom set in. I took up bread baking, HELLO !! does that sound like a good idea or a way to keep myself at goal weight??!! Nope and as one could expect, I gained weight and sadly kept gaining. I find myself 57 pounds above my goal weight as determined by me as I know what weight was hard to maintain and that was 73 pounds from where I am now. I went from 261 to 137 and I was amazed at how tiny I was ( for me) all those years of claiming big bones, well I am not big boned, Ha ha! In total I went from 261 to 137, down 124 pounds, gained back 7O over 3 years, and am committed to lose 57 bringing me to 150! So finially here I am ready to get serious and bring myself back to my happy weight, as I said 57 pounds from here. I will happily blog ( not sure why I gave that up either, walk, and follow Weight watchers as it has always worked me in the past and is a heathy way for me to eat. Some things have changed since I last posted here, actauuly many things have changed, as i said I reached goal. I also added 3 grandchildren to the one I had. I live along now, I see a guy but we live separately and I am happy living alone. Two of my grandchildren, along with one of my daughter's and my son in law live in the apartment below me, though they are house hunting so that will change. My younger daughter loves across town with her fiance and family, including my youngest grandchild whom is 18 months,Norah. Life is good, there has been some painful changes and too many to tick off all at once here, but along with my commitemnt to take back my healthy lifetstyle, my commitment to this blog will bring to light so many things that have changed since last posting! I think I attached a recent photo of I and sweet Norah, but I must admit the format is differnt from my last attempt at blogging and I am rusty. Finding phots of me is a tad harder as well, as as I gained i regained my stellar skill of avoiding being in pitures. I have not entirely giving in to the picture avoidance I think it is important to capture the moments as things change, we lose people and we would love to have those moments caught on camera. Loss of loved ones is a big cange that occured over the years since I last posted. So here it is, my commitement to post again, today I have a walk scheduled and some heathy eating! Next post will see how accountable I stayed that that intent!

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