I am still reeling from yesterdays stressful day, but here.
I have a lot on my plate this morning, waiting for a call from the hospital or my friend to see how the night went, she is back at the hospital after suffering a Heart Attack two weeks ago, and my awaiting a call from my mechanic on my car.
Last night I did watch the Biggest Loser, and it was a good distraction, this season unlike the last few seems to be a lot less game play and more love and concern for the fellow contestants and I like that. At the same time though there is always some game play and the biggest and unhealthiest contestant Arthur started it a few weeks ago and unfortunately last night he was voted off and that same instinct to game play, was in my opinion what sent him home last night.
The game play aside, it was sad to see him go and sadder to see the emotion from Jillian and Bob and the contestants. At weigh in it was like, they all thought him going home was the end of his journey and I could see how they might think that as he was the Biggest and unhealthiest contestant ever and he got that way at home, what they did not realize was in the weeks that Arthur was there " He Got it" and it was never more evident than in the last 5 minutes of the show they showed him now and he looks great and is using every tool given to him on the Ranch.
Two thoughts on Jillains crying and really being broken up about Arthur going home, first one is she really has a big heart and a soft spot for the suffering of people with such weight issues, and despite her hard demeanor at times, lies this marshmallow that just wants to save the world, and it is refreshing, second thought, I know she is leaving to pursue a family, wondering if some pregnancy hormonal tears were flowing as well!
Bob, was struggling with Arthur leaving as well and all the contestants and it seemed like they, like myself and probably many of us thought, this was it, there is no way he can finish this at home, "Guess what?" he is doing it!! He had been given the right tools and he had/has the motivation and was apparently ready, and that is what we all need to succeed.
Arthur you are inspiring, as inspiring as my fellow online weight watchers. We too are ready and have been given the tools and have the motivation. We also have Bobs and Jillians amongst us with big overflowing hearts that want to share our wisdom along the way to help each other and push each other to success and to be the healthiest and best we can be! In many ways we are all on that Biggest Loser Ranch, minus the gameplay ( Thank Goodness)!
Thanks for being my Bob and Jillian! Hope I can be yours!
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