Here I sit the day before my weigh in and the day before the end of my mini goal or reaching 50 Ap's for the week. I have 18 to go! 18!! ok, it can be done.
Yesterday I earned 12 but I had the help of Mother Nature she threw me some heavy wet snow that needed to be cleared from my driveway before I could even think about the gym. Today we have snow coming and it will be after my bedtime, and I am not THAT committed to get up in the wee hours and shovel what can be shoveled at a reasonable hour.
So hear is the plan, two trips to the gym, the first with my daughter this morning, my younger daughter who has decided to join the gym and I have a partner a couple times a week! Yay, more on that this week. This first work out will be on the treadmill, an hour walk that typically provides me with 8-9 APs.
Workout two will be by myself on the elliptical and hopefully for an hour which again is 8-9 points and that will bring my mini goal for the week to a close, and hopefully do what I call " Set the Precedent"
" Set the Precedent " for me is a game a play in my head at the gym, When I work out for an hour one day at a certain pace, or level, and succeed doing that three times in a row, than I accept no less, I can not just come in and say, " Oh I feel like doing less today" ( unless I am under the weather, not just tired but tired with physical reasons) I mentally commit myself to at the minimum maintain that new level and at the maximum add more! If I meet my mini goal this week, and if I do not, I will have the same mini goal for the next two weeks as what I am really looking for is the 50Ap's a week to be my Precedent for the rest of the journey and beyond , knowing that there is no beyond as this is what I want the rest of my life to look like, me taking better care of me, starting with my health!
Gotta Go, I hear Jillian in my head " Come on, Today is your Last Chance Workout!!!!
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