1. What was your highest weight, what do you weigh right now and what is your goal weight?
261 was my highest, and now I weigh 218 and want to weigh 147
2. What is your #1 motivation for losing weight?
My health was at its absolute worst last year at this time, diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and uncontrollable wheezing, and GERD,,,my motivation was to save my life!
3. Have you always been overweight?
Yes, I was born pleasantly plump, and as told by my mom, I was the best baby, I just ate and slept, not exactly a high calorie activity, I continued to like just eating and sleeping! There were brief interludes at a healthy weight...very brief.
4. When you want to give up what inspires you to keep going?
How great I feel, sleep apnea much better, no wheezing, Gerd under control, and above all I feel excited to be taking care of me. I am keeping up with my Three year old Granddaughter and I love that!
5. What is the #1 thing you look forward to when you hit your goal weight?
The satisfaction of reaching my goal, sounds corny, but that is it...however #2 is SHOPPING!
Little black dress, for night on the town
Bathing Suit, for lazy days at the beach...maybe 2 bathing suits.
Sundresses.... I have always loved sundresses....
6. Do you have support on your weight loss journey?
I am so fortunate to have an incredible amount of support. My family is very supportive, my daughters cheer me on, My BF is great about it. Than I have this great online support.... I can not say enough about how lucky I am for all the support I have.
7. What is your favorite exercise?
Walking.... Walking and than Walking..I am looking to try Yoga so that could change
I walk around a lake, that sets on property that has a castle. Winnikenni Castle...I have posted the picture. It is my favorite 4.5 mile walk,,,,and I think I will walk it today cold in all...It looks just like the picture today in all its foliage
8. What is the most important thing you have learned on your weight loss journey?
To be patient and kind with myself, I feel my weight loss is slow and at the beginning it almost derailed me, and frankly in the past was my reason for quitting. I know now and believe that this slow journey is giving my mind a chance to really absorb the changes and make it a lifestyle. Years ago I lost 80 pounds on Weight watchers, in a six month period and I had a cheat day on the day I weighed in, would leave meeting and celebrate my loss by eating everything I had craved that week. We know how that ended ;)
This time there is no cheat day....my rewards are not food, and I am not 30 anymore!
9. What is one thing you have given up that you miss the most?
I would love to say....nothing as I can have everything in moderation, but truthfully...Half and Half. I have replaced it with silk flavored soy milk and it is ok..it works, I drink a lot of coffee and the half and half was costing me way to many points. Now I can count my creamer as a milk and have added soy to my diet..but Half and Half.. i still miss you,,,,,,,,,,,,
10. What is your strategy for losing weight?
Slow and Steady. Follow the plan, Track. I am the best tracker..every bite, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. I try my hardest for it to be mostly good, but I own it when it is not. Push myself at the gym and on trail walks. I will not get to goal by coasting...
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