Believe it or not this is actually a post about a new discovery for me, I really like my legs, but for some reason before I can ever get to what I want to write or say, I have a lot of of other stuff to say first.
Yesterday was long and difficult on many levels. It started great, 2 pounds lost for total of 45. I wrote a lovely post about it and uploaded a great picture and it was purple in support of anti bullying, however it is lost in cyber space somewhere and the day got too busy to rewrite it.
I was watching my three year old granddaughter and we were having a down day, she seemed low key and I was grateful as my cold was kicking me around too. What started out to be a day of watching movies and obliging the sweetly asked " Mimi, just sit with me." ended with teaching a three year old how to throw up in the toilet, as she was sick with her first stomach virus. Any Mom's, Dads, Nannie's, Mimi's out there know this is not one of the best parts of our jobs. We averaged success about 2 out of three times and my washing machine is still humming behind me, and the house has been sprayed with lysol to kill any lingering germs. She is home now with her mom and hopefully on the mend, and I am hiding behind my keyboard, silently hoping that my parents, my daughter or my granddaughter do not need me today as I am exhausted!
So after spending a sick day with granddaughter and returning her to the mom, I decided to take a much needed shower, enough said. I get out of the shower, and realize I have gone through several outfits including my " cover every piece of skin I have, bathrobe". I am forced to wear a T-Shirt until the favorite " cover every piece of skin I have bathrobe" makes it through the laundry cycle.
Shortly after I lay on the couch I hear Dear Boyfriend come home, and it has been years since I have paraded around carefree about what I look like as we know my weight has been up...and up... I get up and try to retreat to the bedroom for more clothes and apologize for my ass not being covered and he says " Honey you have no ass" Wow, now to me those are " I love you so much I will rub your back for three days, words." as he loves back rubs and he just made my day ( keep in mind what I have been doing all day.....) So guess what, I retreat. It is my house, and only he and I are here, forget the " cover every piece of skin I have bathrobe" I am going to lay on the couch with Dear Boyfriend and Watch TV just as I am. While watching TV I look at myself and think, " When did my legs get smaller?" shapely too, so not only do I have no donkey but after all these hours on the treadmill, and all these weeks of eating on program, has started to be apparent to me, and my legs are my reward! My legs are not my only reward as clearly I am looking at myself less critically and I am seeing progress and complimenting me, something I am not so quick to do when I feel bad about what I am eating, or my lack of exercise, like 45 pounds ago. So along with the weight, and the donkey I lost, I apparently am losing my critical attitude towards myself and that is as great as my newly shapely legs. I can hardly wait to see who much stronger and shapely they get as I go along and I just might throw out that
" cover every piece of skin I have bathrobe!"
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