I am almost afraid to say this out loud or put it to paper, or as it be, put it in my blog. I will start by when I first noticed that something has happened to me. It was last week.
While posting on my blog I for just a split second thought about running again. Yes, you heard it right I said again. For one brief year I was a runner. It was 1999 and I finished a Hometown 5k 117 JENNIFER BORDEN 216 F2039 PLAISTOW 29:05 9:23, by the way I was at my goal weight, no coincidence there.
144 runners so I did not come in last ( just in case the thought crossed your mind).
I do not remember ever loving it, I do not even remember liking it, but what I do remember is feeling so proud to have completed that 5K as it showed me that despite the fact that I do not think I am athletic, or anything other than always the fat girl, on that day, at that race, I accomplished something I never thought I could. Sadly after that race, I stopped running. I met my goal and I did not set another one.
Why would I be thinking about running now. I am still 75 pounds away from my weight loss goal, I still struggle at the gym, not as much I admit, I am liking how I can raise the level of the treadmill to 10, 12 even and walk for 45 minutes, but I know I have a ways to go.
I am thinking about it because at some point I am going to need goals to keep me focused. I will not always be looking to lose weight, I will be at the part of my journey where I need maintenance, and that is scary to me. Add to that when I hit my last 20 pounds I am thinking it will take some serious game change ups to get my body to let go of that last amount of weight and I want to be ready.
So what is happening is I am thinking in terms of what I am going to do when I reach my goal, not thinking if I reach my goal, but when I reach my goal!
Yesterday it happened again, I was out walking my favorite walk around Winnekenna Castle with my daughter and it was cold, it was beautiful, but cold. The conversation was great and unlike the last time I walked that walk with her, I was not whining, or huffing and puffing, I was proud to show her my progress. We were discussing walking again Saturday and Sunday and thinking of locations. We talked about how much better I feel, and my weight struggles ( She has never shared my weight problems, and that I am happy for, I hope it continues). That is when it happened again, I thought how am I going to continue walking in this cold weather, instead of thinking, I am not going to walk when it gets cold.
This morning I woke up and I googled some great walks in my area and the cold thought came back and so instinctively I googled LL Bean http://www.llbean.com/llb/search?storeId=1&catalogId=1&langId=-1&init=1&freeText=baselayers+for+men+a What has happened is I am now thinking in terms of my success, how to get there and how to stay there and real solutions to the problems instead of excuses of why I can't. I can...I can.... I can, and I will. It is happening, it will happen and I will continue it!
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