Friday, October 8, 2010

If mom says so, it must be true

"If mom says so, it must be true"
So I only kind of really believe that as my mom has said some colorful, sometimes mean and always sarcastic things in my lifetime, but today she made me feel good. I remember the day I stopped in on my way to work about two years ago and she said " Well that shirt is about 5 pounds away from fitting" OUCH! and no time to go home and change. The best was after having cardiac surgery and extremely groggy she awoke, and when my sister and I said we just came up from the cafeteria, she looked right at me and said " You would weight a lot less if you took the stairs." I resisted every urge to crimp the oxygen tube that was in her My thoughts then were that even under anesthesia she knows exactly how to cut me to my quick.
I go see her everyday, caretaker is the most accurate word, to describe what I am to her these days. I walked in today and she said " Wow. you look really good and I can tell that you have lost a lot of weight." I think I instinctively looked behind me to see if she was talking to me. We have a unique relationship that has been riddled with resentments on my part over the years for her parenting style or lack of at times. A long time ago I came to terms with some really tough things that happened to me on her watch while she drank away her problems. Today I just accept her flaws an all and know that we have some great times that otherwise would not have happened without my moving on and past the defects. That said, her compliment made my day.
It was a good day to hear it, as despite how well I did on my weekend away last week and intense workouts the scale stayed the same this week. Clothes are fitting better, I can work out with a higher intensity and feel good about it,. I am choosy about the foods I eat and I know I am on my way to losing my excess baggage so even a week with no weight loss can not derail me, neither can mom. She no longer has the sharp words or sarcastic ability to undermine my determination, nobody does, I am in control of this ship and we are going full speed ahead!!

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