Monday, September 13, 2010
I admit it. I will always seeks a comfort food for days like today. Yesterday my cat Sophie was hit by a car and I am still awaiting news from the Vet on her internal injuries. She has broken her pelvis in three places and a gash on her leg, and all that will require her to be kept in a crate and bed resting for a few weeks at home, providing that her internal injuries are survivable. I adopted her last year about this time, I fell in love with her sweet easy going disposition and admittedly dumb as a rock personality. I was not looking to adopt a cat as a matter of fact I was there on a weekly basis looking for my cat Penny, of 13 years whom I adopted from that very same shelter 13 years ago. I had moved and my new neighbors not being cats fans, complained to the landlord that my cat was a nuisance to them. They wanted her kept inside and she was a feral cat when I adopted her and she is far from that now, but did and always will want to go outside. My daughter took her to her home for me, and unfortunately she got out the very first day and went missing for 4 months! I posted pictures everywhere. checked the local vets, animal control, you name it. I tried it. No luck, however a few months into my weekly visits to the shelter I found Sophie. We adopted her and had high hopes that she would be an inside cat and had we not ( happily ) found Penny she may have been. Overjoyed to have Penny back, the downside was she taught Sophie her bad habits and out they both went. They are very compatible and I am happy to own them. I am heartbroken over Sophie getting hit and while waiting to hear back I find myself thinking in my pre Weight-watchers ways. I want to eat and console myself, I had breakfast with my sister and resisted the urge to order Eggs Benedict, or a Cheese omelet with extra cheese. Cheese is my drug of choice so to speak and so far I have resisted. I had a Western Sandwich for breakfast and instead of Mac and Cheese for lunch I opted for Chicken with Rice soup, 2 pts per cup verses 9 for Macaroni and Cheese. The farther along I get in this Weight watchers journey the easier it is to see the bad habits and theoretically break them, today is hard and long, as whatever news I get I need to remind myself that there is nothing I can eat that can fix this. One thing this journey has taught me is bad habits can be broken and if I can change so can Sophie and Penny, Fall is here, the weather is cool and Penny hates the cold ( it came with age) We will start using the front door where there is an entrance hallway and a lot harder for the cats to get outside, unlike the side door. Sophie being in a crate for a few weeks will help her get used to being an inside kitty. If I can change they can change.
Chicken and Rice Soup, for 2 Pts, beats Macaroni and cheese for 9...
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