Thursday, September 16, 2010
Post Image "Stop, take a deep breath, and stay the course. " That is one of the quotes I got when I logged in my three pound gain this week. The picture with my Post is the way I felt. Notice I said felt, not feel, as the advice I get here on Weight Watchers and from my fellow Weight Watchers reinforces what I already know, This is my Journey.
There is no straight line from point a to point b. There will be ups and downs and during week in which every day has been revolving around do I put down my cat that was hit by a car or do I trust that her steady progress will continue. I ask myself am I doing what is best for the kitty or me. She is improving and the vets assure me the pain patch she has on is keeping her free of pain and I have to trust their knowledge just as I trust the Weight Watchers Program.
I gained three pounds, yes I did, but I can say with 100% truth that the foods I ate were good for me, I ate too much undoubtedly but nothing that was bad for my health and I know the difference now, something I really struggled with before. I passed on the mac and cheese, as I knew 1 cup for 9 points really would be 3 cups of I stopped counting. No Mcdonalds drive through, that is a long post for another day but trust me when I say " There is nobody who likes a Big Mac and Large Fry, superized more than me. I can proudly say they have not crossed my lips in over 9 months, my mind yes, my lips no!
So what did I eat that helped the scale move up three pounds? German potato salad, 1 cup instead of half. Chicken Caesar Salad, the whole salad at 9 pm when I had already had supper at 6, I had it minus the caesar dressing, no bread with it, but still over my points. Gelato, just a cup, but a cup I did not have points left for. Merlot on Mon, again on Tuesday and yup last night too. I know what I did do, and did not do, I missed some key opportunities to exercise and I am sorry about that as yesterday when I did grab the opportunity I felt better, I even felt less stressed immediately....WHO KNEW! Another lesson learned and I watched Oprah when she had the Judds on this week and when Naomi was asked a question about how her life had gotten so out of control ( she looks great now) she answered " I forgot to put me on the list " boy that statement hit home....This week, I forgot to put me on the list. Lesson learned before it is " This Month I forgot to put me on the list"
I am Stopping, Taking a Deep Breath, and Staying the course.
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