Friday, September 17, 2010

Mac and Cheese pleez... Baked

Love macaroni and cheese and my favorite is the one my mom used to make, she got it off the back of Muelllers Macaroni box years ago. I know the recipe by heart and make it for all occasions. Friends moving, make a pan, new Neighbors, Death in a family, make a pan. It is the cure all or at the very least the comfort that comes in a pan.

So, I have been avoiding it, I once put it in the recipe builder,,,,OMG 11 points for a cup, "Who eats just a cup!!?? So there is why I avoid it.

Well the other day while I was skimming through some old Weight Watchers Magazines, in Sept 09 I found a recipe for Mac' n' Cheese. It looked yummy, it included a can of diced tomatoes, it is different enough that I thought I will try it.

I love kitchen gadgets, most cooks do, and I have a set of glass one cup serving bowls that go in the oven and have lids, so I thought I can make the recipe and in the 8 one cup serving casserole dishes it recommends. I have been doing awesome with my portion control so I was ready.

Well Success!! It was great and I had it for lunch today and for 5 points! Whole Wheat Pasta ,,,low fat cheddar, parm cheese too, and tomatoes , and I had one serving. That was two hours ago and the other 7 servings are in the refrigerator and are not in danger of being the product of a binge. I can do this!! I am amazed and happy with all the changes I am making, I am packing a few cups up and taking them to my mom's where she and Step Dad can have some for dinner and I will not worry that I am feeding them anything unheart healthy. Now that is comfort food!

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