I love Cake, and not in the " I am a sweet eater kind of way." I love cake more than any other food or dessert. I am a baker and I can make cookies galore and I do at the holidays and people comment that I am the Best cookie maker in the world, but cookies do nothing for me. Grapenut Pudding and Bread Pudding, great recipes for them and people request I make them for them. Pies, same story. I love to bake and I am darn good at it. I make awful cakes, but let me say, I know the best places to buy the best cakes at. I am a firm believer in know your weakness's and cake making is mine.
Last Thursday was my daughter's 25th Birthday and I made a dinner and bought a decadent variety of cup cakes to celebrate. Death by Chocolate and Lemon trifle and a Mocha concoction. By the end of the evening I had used all my dailies and 25 of my weeklies and by Sunday I had no weeklies left. I stayed OP though and worked out and brought my activity points's to a respectable level and lo and behold I lost two pounds!!
Two pounds away from 40 pounds lost, I can see that I am going to get there. Forty pounds is a third of my way to goal. Forty pounds brings me to twenty one pounds away from being in onederland for the first time in years, but beyond all of that it is two pounds that showed me I can have my cake and eat it too!!
" Let them Eat Cake!!!
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