Thursday, September 09, 2010
I am thinking that this new job will be great for my Weight Loss efforts as well, as walking from one garden to the next and weeding has left my legs sore, as sore as I have been at the end of a weight bearing training session. I bend as in doing squats to weed, as that is the easiest on my back and great for my legs.
I am beyond grateful for this job, and I can hardly wait to see the other clients homes that we take care if their gardens and I must say that I am grateful for the life I have, overweight and all. One thing struck me about this big beautiful Estate, it seemed lonely, perfectly tended gardens but no one out in them, flowers waiting to be picked for an event but otherwise no one seeing them. A life beyond the stonewall, that is only interrupted by the workers paid to come in and take care of the maintenance. '
Today while tending to my modest, small gardens, I stopped and chatted with several neighbors, the mailman and I exchanged pleasantries, and the little boy who lives upstairs helped me plant mums. I will enjoy this job, and at times I may envy the appearance of no money woes that my clients may have, I will certainly not envy the seclusion.
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