I think I have said once or twice that I am negative when sick, not sure if I mentioned whiny, irritable and can cry on demand. Well that sums up where I am at today and have been this week, and I am disappointed as I think I have bronchitis and will head off to the Dr to verify my self diagnosis. I have a long history of bronchitis, and I never smoked and do not live with any smokers now, so why do I get bronchitis? add to that I was diagnosed with Asthma last year, Adult onset. I am a skeptic on that Asthma Diagnosis, but nonetheless in my medical chart it is there.
I am disappointed because I thought like everything else that has gotten better with weight loss, my bronchitis tendency would go away. Listen my blood pressure is great now, as is The Gerd, no more C-pap machine for sleep apnea and my heart is great, no more chest pain, the list goes on. As I type this I see the danger of my thinking, Weight loss does not fix everything in my life, and there is danger in thinking it will, as that disappointment is another obstacle that can and has for me in the past and others as well, to regain the weight as what they thought the weightloss would fix, still remained and needed fixing or acceptance. My bronchitis is going to need my acceptance. I can like the fact that I feel physically stronger to handle the symptoms, I am coughing and a lot and unlike when I was carrying a lot of extra weight it is not complicated with the being out of breath from just living with the extra weight. I am no longer wheezing because fat is surrounding my chest and so the wheezing with the bronchitis is more bearable and hopefully can be brought under control quicker.
Bottom line for me to know though is " losing Weight will not fix everything broken in my life," Repeat, repeat, repeat.
So the gym has been out of the question for the last two days, No AP's and I am back to the question of "Any one know how many points in Cough Medicine? " I am trying to maintain my humor,,,,,,
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