I have been looking forward to seeing the changes in Weight Watchers for weeks. Today I get up and see them and I am like a whiny and not amused child, my favorite bread jumped up 2 points per slice!
Same for my cereal, and before I go totally off , I have to remind myself that I am sick and feeling negative, I went to bed with points still left over in my weekly's for the next two days and woke up to being into my activity points ( which had grown overnight as well, and that is as positive as I can be).
I thought cut my loss's and change my weigh in day til Monday and start afresh and it will not let me do that! GRRRRR,,,,,,,not how I anticipated welcoming in the changes.
Going back to bed, will get up read some positive posts and get my head back in the game, if I can just stop sneezing, coughing and feeling so , well...BLECK!
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