" Has Jenna lost a lot of Weight? She looks Amazing! " That is the quote I am hanging my hat on this Holiday season! My niece called my sister after I posted pictures on facebook of me and my kids and granddaughter tree decorating Wed night. It was followed by an email from my Brother who lives in Ohio, I live in Mass and have not seen him since last year. It read " Holy Cow, you are melting away, you look great!" I really am happy to hear these compliment as I weighed in yesterday and I stayed the same and guess what? " No Big Deal." Yes that is me saying no big deal and I say it realizing once again mini goals may not be met. Reaching my half way point to my final weight loss goal, I wanted it to be by Dec 26th a year into my journey. Weighing under 200 pounds by Jan 1st, doubtful, but I am ok with that, I know I will get there and I would like to have met my mini goals, but I recognize I need to work on being realistic. There is great pride in no gain the week before Christmas, no gain over Thanksgiving, and 53 pounds gone.
I post pictures of myself on facebook, ask me if I did that last year...No Need " No I did not!"
My daughter also sent me a picture she took of me the summer of 2009 relazing by the pool, she was afraid to let me know she had it as we had rules about no pictures of me, but she thought it was safe to send it now as she can not even believe the difference.
Things are good, I finally realize how long it takes truly is not important, what is important is that I do not give up until I have lost and maintained the loss, so that is forever, and forever feels good!!
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