" Mom! Look at you, you look so little." that is what I was greeted with the other day from my daughter Michelle.
Now I have lost weight but I would not call myself little but I will accept littler :)
Today I woke up with a cold and I was a bear, and any excitement I had for the new program was out the window, I immediately saw that points had changed on many of my favorites and was starting to feel doomed, fortunately after a couple good naps and feeling better I am ok, it will be ok, I lost weight with Weight Watchers trusting their knowledge and I will continue to lose 70 pounds trusting them, bringing my weight loss to an anticipated 120 pounds.
I reminded myself something I really wanted to write a blog post on and that is I am a Size Large in Sweaters and Shirts. I found this out quite accidentally this weekend, while shopping some local second hand stores as I am feeling the cold with my weight loss and want clothes but not for a lot of money. I plan on continued weight loss so investing in clothes is just not practical, however wearing clothes hanging off me is not either!
I went into the store and started a pile of Size XL, happy as I started this journey at 2X and it has been years since I have seen an Extra Large. The woman behind the counter was pleasant and so interested in my Weight loss, we talked about the program and I felt like a walking advertisement and I was good with that. She also kept steering me to size larges, and I said I would try them, but I was doubtful. Guess What? yes, I am a large" I am happy very, very happy.
Again today Michelle tells me how little I am and asks me if I remember the last time I was a size large, she thinks 7 years at least, when she graduated from High School, and I looked at some pictures of that time, I think it was longer. This brings tears of joy to my eyes. I can do this, we all can do this, and it is such a great feeling and any changes Weight Watchers has made I am up to them, I committed last December and I have no intention of letting a change in the road stop the journey. Soldier on
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