I went looking for a description of the quote " Keep your Eye on the Ball" and this is what I found and it is exactly what I was meaning.
keep your eye on the ball: try to achieve your goal; do what you have to do to.
If you don't keep your eye on the ball, you're not going to be successful.
I have lost 52 pounds! I broke through a plateau that threatened to derail me, I am wearing clothes in sizes I have not seen in years, and I have reclaimed my health ( not counting the cold I have, as that will come whether I weigh 350 of 110 pounds).
When I got on the scale this morning and saw that I had lost three pounds just this week, bringing me to my mini goal of losing 50, I immediately looked at what I had to do to reach my next mini goal of being at my half way point by my Weight Watchers anniversary date. DBF, quickly said, " Relax, look at what you have done and enjoy that for a minute" I will tell you what I said to him.
" I am enjoying the loss and I will every time I think about it, and I will think about it a lot! " What I have learned from myself and even from the contestants on the Biggest Loser is, I need to always have a goal, something I am working on to keep myself focused and successful. " Keep your Eye on the Ball." That is what will keep me successful, that is a great realization for me, and it is just another step in this journey, and without learning that I am certain that I would have stopped along the way, sidetracked, and that is what has let the weight come on. I gained this weight while I was sidetracked with other things, eating mindlessly or purposely eating to numb my feelings, more often than not, by focusing in the mini goals I have to think before I eat and I have to decide to either feel my feelings or stuff them down with Double Cheeseburger and side of fries, and I choose to feel them, deal with them and move on!
This is a learned behavior, and I am still trying to master it, but I hope it helps someone else that might be fumbling and and trying to find the strength to start, or stay on board, or just find something to help them. " Keep your Eye on the Ball."
On a lighter side, for the 50 pound lost celebration as I am celebrating!! Tomorrow night I have an appointment to reward myself with a new hairstyle, and my hopes are to share that in an updated picture, providing I can get one that I like, DD is in charge of helping me get some before and during pictures so that when we reach the after we can really see the journey.
Enjoy the Day!!
" Even with this cold I could just skip today I am so happy!! When was the last time you skipped?
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