I woke up early this morning with the help of my Granddaughter whom is three. The baby monitor crackled with her voice, singing softly to herself, and than I could tell she was flipping through the previously read book from bedtime last night. A nice way to wake up even if it were two hours earlier than we usually do, 5 am.
While laying there, in and out of dozing as she was content to you just play in her bed, I was thinking about how previous New Years, I would think of as a Clean Slate. I can tell from a lot of posts I am reading that this is how many people feel about this time of year, yet I also am happy to say that I do not look at my weight loss journey that way anymore. I truly see every new habit as a clean slate, and when I misstep, and I do, I do not have to wait until the New Year, Monday, or tomorrow, I can just correct the step and go forward, next bite, next thought. My thoughts had been rolling around this idea as I have just reintroduced myself to the gym, I was going with regularity up until I came down with Bronchitis in November. I was feeling better by the first week in December, yet my first day back at the gym was yesterday. I got some AP's in, in December, but not with the zest and commitment I had been getting my exercise in with when I was at the gym, not coincidentally my weight loss slowed down. I fell back into the wait until the New Year, Monday, Next Week, mode. Yesterday was my clean slate.
Getting back to the gym after a month hiatus was mentally hard, fear that I may not be able to do a full work out, as well as the insecurities that I had before I made myself comfortable there last time around. Once I got myself through the door, well it was like they say " Getting back on a bike, you do not forget " I did a complete work out and felt great, and am sore this morning in a good way.
That is what I had learned about my eating month's back and I will not beat myself up that it took me awhile to apply the same principle to my exercise but I am grateful I made the connection. My clean slate is the minute I see the negative behavior or habit and the second I correct it and am back on track of taking the best care of me and the good news is, that is happening and a lot more frequently, and I feel great!
I woke up with a cold, argh..... but this time before it reaches bronchitis ( I hope it will not) I am sticking to my scheduled work out. I read this and am following it Work out While Sick?
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