While I have been readying for the big snowstorm, yesterday I went to the gym earlier than my regular time ( trying to get extra Ap's in case the gym closes due to weather) and I will gain today. Usually I am there and walk through an hour of my favorite Soap Opera, General Hospital, but really just making it fifty minutes, at three the gym is very light in traffic. Yesterday I was there at ten and it was bustling! I found a single empty treadmill, and I quickly claimed it. I worked out for an hour intensely and it felt great, when the usual Fifty minutes came and I wanted to stop I asked myself this question" How much do you want to be under two hundred pounds?" I am close, eight pounds away, and my answer is " I really want to be under two hundred pounds, and I can do more on this treadmill." and I did. My original plan was to do fifty minutes and than twenty on the stair stepper, but I really want to master the sixty minutes on the treadmill, once I have mastered and realize I can do it, typically I will stick to it, I will add the Stair stepper as the week goes on. I read a great article in January/February Weight watchers magazine about adding stairs into your day and the benefits and I intend to try it.
Second stop of the day was to a small specialty grocery that carries a great selection of my single serving coffees and my favorite popcorn. If I am stuck in the house and the hungries come, I will be ready with popcorn! Nothing like eating popcorn and watching the snow come down, and down, and down,,,
Today is the best trip of all, the grocery store, we have a store on every corner and even if we were snowed in for a week, we all have cabinets filled with dry goods, refrigerators and freezers stocked, yet hint of a snow storm and suddenly the grocery stores look like they are giving away food for free, the parking lots jammed, the isles cramped and the shoppers, in a word. CRANKY.
I will be shopping for ingredients for a Beef Barley soup recipe I found in cooking light as well as Trying the slow cooker maple oatmeal recipe I have been eying every time I log on here.
I am thinking with my shoveling Ap's and my gym workouts and safe foods to snack on, this storm may stop traffic, keep kids home from school, but it will not stop me!
Ten extra minutes on the treadmill, five times a week is the equivalent of adding another work out a week!! Onderland, here I come,,,,,,
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