While reading blogs the other day I came across a few where the bloggers were really beating themselves up and it reminded me of myself. I used to be the queen of how to beat up Jenna in 15 minutes or less. Negative self talk is like sabotaging yourself. When I think about it now, I can honestly say that in terms of my weight, I do not recall the last time I did that. I simply do not do it anymore, and not because I have achieved my weight loss goals but because I finally saw the connection between the berating of myself and the failure of my attempts to lose weight. I will say somewhere between stopping that behavior and now, I have not only stopped but I actually look in the mirror and tell myself what I do like about me!
This did not happen overnight and some of the things I did to get there and continue to do may seems silly, but they work for me.
The best thing I did was place a picture of me as a child near my computer and on my bureau in my bedroom. The one in my bedroom is there when I dress, as that is where I was the most offensive to myself. I would see me in the mirror and say " You look awful or like a cow, or worse. " I feel bad just thinking about he things I thought and said. I look at the picture on my bureau and I know in a million years I would not speak to that child in that way, or anyone else and I refuse to do it anymore. It took awhile but it works. When I am blogging I again at my desk see a picture of me as a child, and helps me to realize that I need to be kind and forgiving and patient as I am learning how to accept me and everything about me.
The second thing I learned was to look in the mirror and find something I like, and do this every day, and for me I do. When I started to do that I stopped focusing on what I did not like. Suddenly I was looking at me as the whole package and not just seeing arms that we larger than I liked, ect. The looking in the mirror and really looking for what I liked was really hard in the beginning and I assure you I will never be the Woman in "You're So Vain" a song written and performed by Carly Simon, but I will definitely be able to say " I look Good!" and mean it.
I am sure there are other hints that will help you to stop the negative self talk, but these have definitely turned it around for me.
I hope that if you are negatively self talking, this helps you to stop. :
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