My first blog post last year was Jan 3 and here is what I wrote in the first Paragraph "I hope you find this blog interesting and funny and follow my journey as I
am going to use this as my way of reaching me, the me that is buried
under 120 pounds of pain, and stress, that somewhere along the way I
thought eating, and drinking would make go away."
"Did I find me? Is my blog interesting and funny? Have I stopped using food and alcohol to make stress go away? " Yes, Yes, and sometimes!"
I have discovered a lot about myself and I have feel like I have found me, or at the very least I have found what I like, and what I am capable of and what I want from life.
My blog has been funny at times and sad at times and I try to be interesting, and I think interesting enough to generate comments and followers so yes. The big question is do I still use food and alcohol to deal with my stress and the answer is Sometimes.
This week is an example of the Sometimes, the thing about it is I have done this for most of my life and it is as innate to me as breathing and I am certain that for as long as I live it will be my tendency to do this. I eat for comfort and at times, it is happening before I even realize it. What is different is what I eat. When I eat for comfort in my house, my choices are limited, as I have long since purged my cabinets of anything that can wreak unintentional havoc on my weight loss plans. Cleaning my house was the single most important thing I did for myself at the beginning of this journey. This week I ate way too much popcorn, but seriously way too much popcorn is not the equivalent of way too much chips and dip, twinkies, or Oreo cookies dipped in milk. When I eat out at a restaurant I have put steps in place to keep me in check, little rules I call them, if I have a baked potato...No bread, one or the other. Two glass's of wine,no exceptions. If I am having cheese on food, I will not have pasta, vice versa. I call it conscious eating. Safety measures for keeping the binge at bay.
I joined a gym and went to the gym!! I am a member of the gym, I walk on a treadmill for 50 minutes and can walk a 15 minute mile with an elevation of 10. Prior to the cold weather I walked most mornings with a walking buddy and have worked out with Jillian in the privacy of my living room. Move more, best advice I have.
I have surrounded myself with supportive people off and online whom cheer me on and help elevate me when I feel like I am not capable of this weight loss journey and I strive to do the same for them.
I have lost 55 pounds and gained a sense of accomplishment that will help propel me to lose the remaining 65 and I have done this 2010, and for that I am proud.
Not a bad year, not a bad year at all!!
Bye Bye 2010,,,Bring on 2011
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