After writing this post I am headed to they gym, begrudgingly admittedly but off to the gym no less. I am not sure what has precipitated this overwhelming low mood but it could be the news of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords remains in critical condition, after yesterday's assassination attempt. I am a news junkie, always have been and this story just gets sadder by the minute. The 9 year old girl killed was born on Sept 11, she was born on a national tragedy and died as the result of another national tragedy. She was said to have been there as she had a genuine interest in politics and wanted to meet Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. This is all so heartbreaking and scary.
The Weather is gray and cloudy and cold, we have had dustings of snow every morning this weekend, and a Northeaster predicted for Wednesday, usually I see the beauty in the snow ( I never find beauty in the cold though) but today I can not, and everything just seems well, just bad. I have family drama which typically is normal but again I am just feeling overwhelmed by that too.
Typically I am not this low, I have been known to be called optimistic with a great attitude and I am glad to know that as it is helping me to put my feelings in perspective.
Yesterday despite recognizing that the scale did not move due to my own overeating in response to adding activity again, I was ok, ok with maintaining, ok with the family drama and deeply saddened by the news and at bedtime I included all the victims in my prayers that is all I could do.
I know today will pass and I am going to go with the fake it til you make it. I even googled Winter Blues to see what I could do and will definitely try the suggestions, but I needed to write it as well, as it is part of my journey. There is the the voice in my head that is trying to talk me out of the gym and into a nap. The same voice encouraging me to eat as it will make me feel better, trying to get me to believe that Macaroni and Cheese will help. Something about me has genuinely changed as I will tell you prior to this much Weight Watchers and all of your support here, the water would be boiling for the mac and cheese, I would crawl on the couch and watch the news, cry, and sleep.
My continued thoughts and prayers for all the victims and victims families in Arizona and my continued gratitude for all of our Americans who dedicate their life to protect our freedoms.
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