I have made a decision and for the better of my life and I have decided to let go of a love of my life. As difficult and heartbreaking as it is, and IT IS, it is necessary. Today is the perfect day for it, New Years Day, Clean slate, start afresh, just cut the cord. I am not unfamiliar with giving up what is comfortable but not necessarily good for me.
Months ago I did it with another love of my life, so I know it can be done, I gave up half and half...and I am better for it. I replaced it with Vanilla Soy milk and it fills one dairy for the day as well as shaved 5 points of my previous daily totals.
" So what must go? you may ask? " I hope your sitting down because this is a bit confessional. I am a French Fries eater, and not just that, but I eat them with mayonnaise on the side for dipping! I call it, Cholesterol with Cholesterol on the side please, or " Can I please have an order of hardening of the arteries with a side of heart attack,,,,,You get it I am sure. When I order them I always count the points 23 points,,,but here is the thing if I do not order them for me, and I eat them off someone elses plate for example, minus the mayo, as I am the only one I know that orders them that way....anyways when I eat fries from others plates or greasy little take out bags, I often do not track or count them. My logic has been, they were not mine. That is CRAZY, but true.
So after a lot of thought and deliberation and reading articles about how there is NO redeeming qualities in french fries the decision has been made, and I am good with it, or rather I am accepting of it.
This year 2011 is going to be about me being real with me, a continuation of last years " Taking Care of Me." To take care of me, and be real I have to look at what I do daily, weekly and over the course of months that impact my end results, and that my friends means giving up the fries...Tracking every bite, on or off my own plate ..and being honest with myself, those stolen fries only hurt me, and I am sure once the french fries withdrawals pass....I will only be a better person ,,,,
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