Cold Intolerance-Many patients notice that they feel “cold” after they begin losing weight. This is due to a change in metabolism and a loss of insulating body fat.
I found this description of what I have been complaining about on a bariatric surgery site. I do not want to actually complain about anything in regards to my weight loss, but this is a serious problem for me and has been since the first cool day blew in last month. My friends and family who have been discounting my general belief that I am cold due to losing my fat insulation and this is after losing 48 pounds, I still have 72 to go! I actual find myself hoping for a pre-menapausal hot flash, but alas in true fashion they left with the summer months.
Dear boyfriend is truly the winner here as I tell you I can not wait for him to climb in bed and warm up my feet and other things as I just can not get or stay warm, let's just say there is truth to babies being born nine months later following any cold snap or large snowstorm. Despite him reaping many benefits he is also the least likely to believe that losing weight has anything to do with the fact that I am COLD all the time now. I think he wants to go with he is just irresistible and who am I to burst that bubble.
Today I have spent a lot of time, reading about ways to keep warm in the winter months, and I have found some great ideas and here is a few if you too find yourself with my new dilemma.
I like this site as it actually addressed dressing warm for outside fitness, something at this point I am not sure is going to happen with me!
To combine solutions to some concerns I also went on LL Bean and ordered a new jacket and warm socks and my first piece of silk underwear ( of the thermal nature) to see if I can find someway to get through the upcoming cold months without becoming a recluse.
I can assure you that I have not decided to add the weight back on and I will continue to lose the remaining 72 pounds of insulation, I mean weight, but it will not be without a lot of hot tea, warm mittens, maybe even fleece lined jeans ( saw them on LL Bean Site!). I welcome any other great ideas of how to stay warm as it will be a long New England winter for me and moving South is not an option!
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