I read a great blog post from a friend this morning and it touched on goals and how in the beginning of this journey her goals were not of the numbers but of milestones that would naturally happen along the way. I was very impressed as a.) She has met them b.) She had the wisdom right from the start to see that the numbers were not the most important thing here, health and being able to live life to its fullest is the goal for her.
Admittedly for some people it is just the numbers or how they look in the mirror, and that is fine with me, whatever reason brought any of us on this journey, the success of the journey will inevitable improve your health and well being. I like my fellow blogger friend, came looking for health and well being. I unlike her, jumped right to the numbers and typing that and recognizing that, gives me the understanding of my relationship to the scale. It is like my Aha Moment ( Thank you Oprah for coining that great term).
I am going to backtrack to my goals last December. Long before I got on the scale I knew this to be true, I could not walk, climb stairs, carry my precious granddaughter or even tie my shoes, without being out of breath. I had not one day in the prior year that I did not suffer from GERD ( Heartburn times 10), I was on a CPAP machine for sever sleep apnea, according to the sleep sonography test, I stopped breathing more than 57 times and hour. I feared that like my Father whom died at 42 I would not live to see and enjoy my grandchildren and would leave my daughters, whom already were raised single parented would than become motherless as well. Simply said I was a mess, and rightly depressed.
All of the things I listed have changed. I not only am fit enough to walk and not be out of breath and can do any one of those tasks but I belong to a gym that I frequent no less than three times a week most times 5. The GERD is gone, except when I absolutely need Bacon. CPAP Machine just retired, and I had a clean bill of health on my heart in July, the Cardiologist gave me a year Warranty. I will always need to be cognizant and have a Stress test yearly due to family history, but I changed the variables that could have brought on my early demise. These are great goals met and they are the tip of the iceberg in terms of all the goals I have met. I will take some time and really think about them, and a post will follow.
So now I am thinking about the list of things I wanted to do and could not before I met these goals and one that stands out to me is, Yoga. I have read about it, bought a DVD Yoga for Big Women and misplaced it. I have talked with my older daughter and she too is interested and has been for awile, I have been dragging my feet, thinking I am too big, or I am not in shape or, or or,,,,Well the time has come and I found the place and I am going to add this to yet one more goal to be achieved.
I am not saying that the numbers on the scale are not going to concern me as unfortunately that is the way even WW measures the success, necessary evil, but when the dreaded plateau hits as mine appears to have, there is so many more tangible ways to see the progress and the goals met are so much more than the numbers reflect. So "Thank you " Frani, for the clarity today,
On a side note Roland ( my scale) has left the building, my daughter kidnapped him with the thought hat out of sight is out of mind and I am thinking at a Yoga studio lies the serenity I need to get over that obsession with him! Pretzels anyone?
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