A Follow up from Yesterday My Day
So yesterday was just out of control and as I sit here at my computer waiting for the garage to call with the price to get my car up and running again I am trying to find positive in yesterday.
The good news is Sophie my cat that was critically injured two months ago is 100% better. To recap, she was struck by a car and broke her pelvis in three places and suspected nerve damage to her, urinary system. She is spent a week in the hospital and than I spent two weeks bringing her back and forth for daily vet visits. They advised me yesterday that her youth and great health prior to the accident is what made the difference between life and death, but I should anticipate that she will have arthritis as she ages, and her weight is now tipping the scales too much. I love my vet, I wish my Dr was a tactful as that when he was concerned about my weight, I do believe he used the word " Morbidly Obese " and more than once.
Of course she is " Tipping the scales " she does not go out anymore, and that is a feat in itself as I never wanted her to go out, but both my cats, my senior 15 year old Penny, and the baby Sophie, were rescue cats. They were born outside and spent every minute that I kept them in, thinking about how to get out! I have done what prior to Sophie being hit, I deemed impossible and that is retrained Sophie to be an inside cat, please do not ask about Penny, as she has been going outside for 15 years and that will not stop. Back to the The weight problem of Sophie, now she just eats and sleeps all day and I do mean all day, she is resting for the attack mode she gets in, when Penny, bless her 15 year old heart comes in the door. Sophie who used to fear Penny has begun stalking her and tormenting her every waking moment they are together ( no wonder I can not keep Penny in) The fear Sophie once has was replaced with " I am a survivor attitude" after the near death experience. At night of course Penny comes in and , trust me she has it made. I recently in lieu of her being stalked and tormented by Sophie have given her own room, formerly my office. I share my office with Penny, at night she gets to be in there all by herself, food, water, her own latrine and a heating pad and cat bed. I however get Sophie who at 4 am is now awake and ready to play, she awakes me by batting my cheek with her paw, and if that does not work she starts knocking things off my dresser, until I get up and feed her again, and apparently that is the meal that vet suggests, I take away.
What is the post about again? Oh yeah the good news, so now Sophie like me is On Program and seeing as she is limited to inside work outs my job is too find away to get her moving and preferably between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm...any thoughts?
This good news from the vet was $45.00, adding to her total bill of $1071.00. I am so hoping that the broken down car comes in significantly less that that, but that is the bad news, I will save for later
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