I have been thinking about " What My True Calling " is for awhile, long
before the November issue of Oprah's magazine came out, asking that
exact question. I am a great believer that we all have a true
calling, but not a great believer that we all find or follow it. For a
myriad of reasons, all revolving around life and responsibilities I lost
sight of what my true calling really is.
Being a single mom for 20ish years my monetary support of my daughters deemed what I would do for work. Something I hardly blog about is that I was laid off many
months ago and struggling to find work back in the field I was in,
Sales. No surprise that the work search has been difficult.. I have
worked a part time job for a Landscaper and that really fueled my desire
to find my " True Calling". I have pretty much realized that that will
mean a significant loss in income and I am good with that. My
responsibilities have significantly changed and I can afford to take
care of myself financially with less, especially while taking care to
nourish my soul with the enjoyment of incorporating what I love to do
with what pays the bills. I know in this country and these economical
times, I may be working full time for the next 30 years and I want that
time to be as enjoyable as possible.
This looking for my True calling is a huge realization for me, one that would not have happened had I not started my journey of Weight loss, as in my last post, I wrote
about how numb I was to my own feelings, wants and needs. I have lost
Weight, and yes that was the goal, but what I never knew is how much I
would gain along the way. I feel good, and not just physically, the
slowly peeling the layers of pounds has revealed me to myself, and
allowed me to explore who I am and how I got here and where I am going
I am artistic, and that makes sitting in an office for 40-45
hours a weeks seem like torture, I hated it, never felt it much though
as when that feeling surfaced I ate it away. I just kept doing it. Forty
nine pounds ago, I would not have had he physical strength or mental
clarity to apply for a job that would require me to be on my feet all
day, outside working in the elements, allowing me to work with flowers
and design.
This is just the beginning of the new life my Weight
loss journey is unveiling for me, my True Calling may or may not be
working in a Garden Center or Landscape company, it may be penning a
novel, but whatever it will be it will be determined by me and my
thoughts, feelings, something that I was so unaware about at the
beginning of this journey.
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