My Louise is back from Mexico, she was away for a week, she and a
friend made a deal whoever won the contest at work would take the other
on the trip, if either of them one of course won, and they did! Off to
Mexico they went.
She coined us Thelma and Louise early on in our 6 year friendship as we each bring out the craziness in each other that can make us double over laughing or even worse begging the other to stop long enough so that we run to the bathroom and empty our bladders rather than add more humor to the already out of control situation. I am thinking ifwe were born a generation earlier we may be Carrie and Samantha from
Sex In the city and I of course would be Carrie, (the writer wanna be
claiming Carrie), and she Samantha as she is always has an eye for the
men. As it is we were not born a generation early and Thelma and Louise,well they are a great fit.
Louise can pretty much say anything to me and I her, we developed a bond rather quickly and we have lives that run pretty darn parallel and met at the same job. While working , we carpooled together and that is where she developed an appreciation for my driving and I an appreciation of her backseat driving, not that
at times it has not been warranted. Let's just say " Oopsy" is the word I use when I get a little too close to a mailbox, it happens pretty frequently as I am an animated story teller, even when driving, and I talk and drive a lot! Louise's most frequent driving comment to me is " Do you think you need to be THAT close to the car in front of you?" followed by a deep husky laugh. Before you fear driving in my State,
Massachusetts, I must interject here I have never ( knocking on my wood
desk) been in a car accident and I have been driving for almost 30
years now).
Louise is deep husky with a rasp voice comes from years of smoking, and she has taken a lot of abuse for that habit of hers and she is ready to quit. I know this as upon my last lecture to her she told me so. She set a date and it was the day she returned from Mexico, so imagine my surprise when I asked her about it yesterday while making lunch plans for today and she responded with, " Thelma, I have set a
date, and I have a plan, and that is all I am going to say about it." Ouch! does that indicate the tone? " Ouch"
Louise has been my biggest cheerleader. She has laughed with me over not finding any undies that stay up over my shrinking derriere. Before I started this weight loss journey it was she who shared all my tears and chuckles over our weight.She unlike me can handle being overweight and dresses to accentuate all her positive and looks like a million bucks all the time, I on the other hand tried to blend, you might remember this post" Yeah You Blend"
It was Louise who was greeted by me, one morning, my turn to drive, crying as I
handed her her coffee when she climbed into the car. " What is wrong?"
she asked all full of concern, and was greeted with, " Sniff, I am so fat I can't get my arms around my back to fasten my Bra anymore." I laugh now, oh boy though, she laughed than and in her most sympathetic laugh she could muster said " I have not been able to do that for years,I can't believe you could, no wonder you always looks tired when you get here! " that was funny, you might have had to be there, but she also graciously told me the trick of fastening in the front and turning the
bra to the back and sliding the girls in, must admit my mornings became easier!
Back to the tone, I am thinking being her cheerleader for quitting smoking is going to require some thick skin, and I never having smoked so I may lack the skills to understand this one. Lunch today hopefully not,
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