Last night I as I climbed into bed, I muttered " Ouch " for the 50th time yesterday, and I am starting all over again. I woke up feeling my thighs, quite frankly they may have woke me up! This is the direct result of a Kettle bell Workout DVD and a Women named Jillian. Great Workout! I definitely worked my muscles.
On a spur of the moment purchase I bought another workout DVD. Typically, or should I say in the past. I have not been a fan of working out with DVD's as my coordination lacks something, looking for a word for it, Grace, Balance, the ability to figure left from right in a split second. Nonetheless I thought it is time to do some weight exercises and I am not ready to tackle the gym weights quite yet. I have the Leslie Sansone and that is a great DVD to get a quick walk in when I can not otherwise get one, plus it amuses my Granddaughter to watch her Mimi, and she loves to join in.
Back to the spur of the moment purchase, and my inability to walk or sit or climb in bed with out an "OUCH!"
I bought the Sunday and lo and behold, I did not get to walk my scheduled exercise and thought this is perfect I will try it out. First let me say, for anyone else like me who is a little challenged with coordination, this DVD is very doable, and that was my first instant like to it. Jillian is Jillian and if you are not familiar with her, be prepared to be guided through, or maybe I should say strong armed through an intense effective workout that will make you sweat and I am assured you will burn calories! I will be shopping for a Kettle bell today as I used a free weight but feel that the Kettle bell would be easier for the moves she has you do. It was Cardio and weight combined as my thighs can attest too.
I am finding more and more ways to add exercise in and I am also learning that things I may have not liked on my first, second, third, or billionth attempt at weight watchers over the years, I have found I am more receptive too, so if I had a piece of advice to give today it would be " Be willing to try different forms of exercise, even if you did not like it in the past, just like your food choices and tastes can changes so can your preference for activity".
Grrr,,,,have to get up and shower now, " OUCH!"
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