Today is going to be a hard day I can feel it already, I have an under current of frustration and doubt running through me. Lo and behold it is about my nemesis.
nem·e·ses \-ˌsēz\ a : one that inflicts retribution or vengeance b
: a formidable and usually victorious rival or opponent ...otherwise known to me as "The Scale" I am asking myself when will I ever be 100% free from this guy, yes I have personalized an inanimate object. Work with me here, because I feel like I am onto something. By personalizing the scale and giving him a name, like " Roland" for example maybe I can do what must be done.
I have been visiting Roland several times a week, ok,ok,daily and I feel he is like a bad boyfriend, he brings me no pleasure and actually drains me of my energy and can take away any good feelings I may have had before gracing myself with his presence. I have worked out four times this week, and will again today and all
Roland has to say is " sorry not good enough, not moving!" I explain that I have eaten well all week, lots of fruits and vegetables, tracked , counted every bite, generally a great example of what a Weight Watcher member should do, and what do I hear " Sorry, not moving." He teased me once or twice by showing me that he moved and that I would hit my weight loss goal for the week, but in true Roland fashion he than showed me he just might derail me and move up and add a pound in.
Roland is abusive to me and he must go, so maybe I should treat him like a toxic relative instead of a boyfriend that I want to spend time with, because if he were toxic relative I would take the advice of a professional and visit maybe once a week. See what he has to say, keep the good and disregard the rest so long as I knew in my heart that I am doing everything right and that the comments and negativity I was getting in return is Roland's issue not mine.
I am glad I worked that out...phew, so here is the rub, " Roland I will be by tomorrow morning to see what you have to say, and after that I am taking a week off, and will continue to do what I do, eat well, work out, and move along my journey of weight loss, without you derailing me with your negativity! I will come back and see you weekly and in the meantime you must go live somewhere else until I can get over you and this terrible toxic relationship" I feel better already.
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