So when I got on the scale this morning, " Are you Kidding me??!!!" escaped my lips, loudly. It was not because I had hit onderland as my goal has been and will continue to be for awhile. Nope, it is because in one week I gained 5 Pounds, add that to last weeks 1 Pounds and now we are at up 6!!
You might ask who gains 5 pounds in week, or maybe not as you all like me have been on this weight loss journey and know that it can and does happen.
I am not as shocked as I am disappointed and not with myself as much as you might think as I have been feeling good about my joureny and my progress and I know that a lot of the numbers on the scale are just out of my control at times. I need to own some of the gain and I need to just accept some as monthly fluctuations and the joys of woman hood, as the girls are very sore and that tells me that not only are they filling out my bras better but they are holding some fluid that might otherwise double as false advertising for DBF.
Some of the gain is I am struggling to drink my water, here is the reason, I drink my water warm especially in the winter as just the act of drinking cold water makes me cold and I hate being cold.I drink most of my water in the car, back and forth from errands and taking care of my mom and for that reason I always keep bottled water in my car, a case and you know what it is there know, frozen solid. On my counter in the kitchen I keep a picture of water with a Brita Picture and that too has been neglected as I am keeping the house cooler ( price of oil) and it sits next to the coffee maker, I will always pick warm coffee and hot tea.
Problem number two, is salt. Love salt and like and it loves me, I have had a lot of popcorn this week, within my points but clearly with too much salt. The only good news about my salt habit is as of late I have noticed it and thought, this tastes salty or even too salty, and that is happening more often than not. Coming from a family if cardiac history with a tendency to retain fluid, sadly it is time to attempt to kick the salt habit.
Now I know some of this gain is clearly too much of something else too, and I will look over my tracker and find some things I can cut back on and get my water in, and as much as I am disappointed, I am not derailed as here is what I know, I look good. I feel good, and I have lost over 50 pounds and this is a setback and that is all.
When I look in the mirror I see the changes, when I see friends and family they are quick to ask about my weight loss. When I shovel for two hours I remember that last year I was incapable of the same effort and most importantly I know this is a journey and challenges are made to be met.
Mr Salt, you and I need to stop seeing so much of each other, I will miss you but I am sure you will find some one else and hopefully she will treat you as well as I have, but please let's break off our relationship slowly....
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