So yesterday I owned my five pound weight gain, and added it to the one pound from the week before. Six pounds up and ad far as I am willing to go, actually farther than I was willing but whats done is done.
My first step in regaining control is recognizing that probably more than half of the gain is water, due to my very bad salt habit. To combat that I need to cut back on my table salt and really start looking at the hidden places sodium is in my diet. I can do that. It will be hard as I recognize that I am a little like an addict with my salt and not to make light of anyone's addiction, I too feel a little powerless over this white powdery stuff. Yesterday my day of reckoning on the scale was also Superbowl Sunday, what that means for me,I go to a party at my sisters with her husband and my niece and nephew whom are 9 and 10 and absolutely love my potato skins I make and bring and I equally enjoy the food their mom has prepared. The potato skins are adorned with crisp cooked bacon, any saltaholics demise. I cooked it crisp and ate my share before it landed on the potatoes and I than again indulged in the treats at the party, 19 of my weeklies are gone, but I am not worried as I planned on that. Yesterday I also reintroduced myself to my good water habits that had slipped off the map. I drank my weight number in ounces of water ( I am just assuming that). The other thing I did and I think it really helps me is I sat down and read blogs and kept reading until I could feel the positive energy rekindle. I even reread some of my own posts, to bring me back to where I was when I started and how I felt as I went along. I was very lucky to read a blog by a friend whom always inspires and yesterday was no difference, it was Rosemary. She wrote yesterday " What Are you Willing to do?" and I really needed to read that and ask myself that question. Thank you Rosemary.
I already have answered the question, but I need to keep asking it, and than ask it again. I am willing to keep moving forward and that means continue to go to the gym and continue to push myself to workout harder. I am willing to track every day every bite, I am willing to blog honestly and to be unbelievably truthful with myself on why I am eating and how I feel and how I need to not eat to feel better. I am willing to take care of me, and that means for me right now, to keep moving that scale downward.
I am signed up for a Yoga class that begins next Sunday night. Five weeks, I did research, it is a gentle class that eases me into yoga, I have spoke with the instructor and discussed that I have lost 56 pounds and am looking to lose 60 more, and that I was new to Yoga, and have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew ( love the food references) and this is the class she suggested, I am optimistic!
This morning I measured my peanut butter that i put on my toast. I know the wisdom and going back to weighing and measuring as it is a natural progression to eyeball bigger portions. I am cleaning my cupboards again, it has been awhile I want to see what culprits have taken up residency again, like Ritz Crackers, processed foods that are high in sodium. I have a plan I am using it!!
I have a job interview today at a local garden center that I frequent and I am hopeful as not only is this joureny about my weight loss but it is about living the decision to live my life doing what I like to do, for years as a single mom I worked a multitude of jobs to pay the rent and financially support the girls, great paying, soul and time stealing jobs! Now it is just me to worry about and that means working for the rest of my years, but doing what I love, for that I am willing to live frugally and have time to write and have time for my family. That is what I am willing to do for today and hopefully always.
I will keep this "What are you Willing to do? " question right on the top of my head, and for good measure taped to the fridge...."
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