I woke up this morning and when I weighed myself the scale was at the same place it was last week, and that was up a pound from the week before. A lot of things went through my head and than I decided to look at my month of January. I lost two pounds and instantly I was feeling the crazies approach. " Whats the use" I give up" and my personal favorite " It will never happen."
Right than at that moment I knew I had a choice I could be Eeyore or I could be Tigger, from my favorite childhood stories, Winnie The Pooh. .
Eeyore is my favorite amongst my beloved Winnie the Pooh characters
and he is an unbelievably loveable donkey who is dismally gloomy for almost eternity. I have been Eeyore and am not willing to play the role again. Tigger happens to be an outgoing, cheerful, competitive (in a friendly manner), fully confident of himself. Tigger is who I need to be to get to where I need to go.
I need to step up my game and not a lot, some is just adding more consistency and going back to what works. Measuring again, consistent exercise, drinking my water, all the basics.
Today the first thing I am doing is reminding myself that I have done and amazing job and two pounds in a month is a lot better than the weight I was gaining monthly before I turned things around. I have some really good habits in place and they did not happen by accident and what is standing out to me right now is that I have a habit of finding away to take any potential negative and turn it around.
So today, I have a new week, and a new goal and I am taking some advice from a fellow blogger/friend and that is no more number goals. I have absolutely no control of whether the scale will change from week to week, whether my body will give up a pound or if the exercising may cause a temporary gain. I can control what I do to move in a forward direction and that is where my goals will be best served.
This week, my number one goal is 5 days of exercise, shoveling is extra.... I have work out DVDS for the days that it will snow and we know it WILL Snow and I have a gym membership and I can do this!!
The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is I'm the only one.
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