The sun is out and the landscape looks beautiful and after all the snow and feeling cooped up I am taking a respite. I am not listening to weather reports, I am sticking my fingers in my ears when others discuss any upcoming storms and I am enjoying the day!
My phone has been placed on silent and the TV is not coming on, I just need to shut out the noise for awhile.
The gym will see me this afternoon and I will use the arc trainer that I tried the other day, but in all the hub bub of weather and such I forgot to blog about it. I had been hesitant to go back to the gym after a weeks absence. I had had a bad experience with a an over zealous training company and I just felt a little defeated. The self doubt of whether I was exercising right was there and even though I gathered support from all of my friends here and on chat boards I was still feeling uncomfortable.
Last week I pushed through that discomfort and just walked into the gym, changed out of my boots and walked over to an Arc trainer and got on and started moving! I resisted the urge to get off and go see my familiar friend the treadmill, I will visit the treadmill again but this visit and the next few are about making myself push past my comfort zone, and that I did.
My arms are very sore from shoveling as the snow banks are so high that I have to throw the snow up a few feet and that incorporates different muscles. Part of my respite will be a visit to the steam room after my work out, a treat to my sore muscles and a breath of fresh air for my dry skin.
Yesterday I made a nice chicken barley soup and that will be my meals with a nice salad on the side. A day for me, a reminder to myself if I do not take care of me, who will?
I wish everyone a day for themselves!
I love this picture from my local news channel...taken before the addition foot of snow fell...and before any more comes, but those thoughts are for tomorrow!
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