Today started by watching the news, Weather to be exact, the three major news channels and I sort of got a surprise, a wish come true. I wished that the Weatherman was wrong and were were not being forecast to get 6-12 inches of snow, on the heels of below zero weather that has made me seriously think about Florida. Well I heard the first weatherman, my trusted one give his dire prediction 6-12, flipped the channel and heard it again with a slight variation 5-9 inches and than flipped again and hit the jackpot, this weatherman whom is now my favorite says Wed night into Thursday 3 inches!! That is it 3 inches! SCORE!! We Have a Winner.
I called my sister and she had errands to do, so I invited myself to go with her. If you do not live in an area that has received more than 27 inches of snow in the last three weeks it would be hard for you to picture what backing out of my driveway is like, but the snow banks are so high that I have to Honk my horn at the end of the driveway in hopes to alert any passing cars that I am coming out and than I gingerly ease into the road, despite the advice given by DBF to go quick,,, I ease gingerly, thinking the impact of the oncoming car will be felt less if I am not accelerating in his direction. Today I was safe and went along my way.
We were shopping for her, but feeling as I have been, overwhelmed by the weather and the impact it has had on my workouts, and the feeling that I will never be warm again, I knew the only thing that was going to help was some retail therapy.
Clearly even my shopping has been dramatically effected by this forsaken weather as I passed by the new Spring clothes, did not even glance at swimsuits...Brrrrrrrrrr... and skipped the cute workout clothes, I noticed but skipped them, I went straight for the Lingerie, and not just any....nope the Clearance Rack!! The Rack that was sporting all the winter warm at half price and I found just what I was looking for, a very warm pair of flannel pajamas, with cuddly dogs all over them, and here is the good news,,,,,,,Size Large....yup...I have made it to the fringes of the promise land, no more 2X, no more 1X no more XL ,,, I am a large and one size away from my resting place ....Medium. Tonight as I type I am very warm, and still choosing to go with door number three the weatherman that forecasted three inches...Thursday morning we will know if he is out of a job or if I picked the right door!
Fitting into the size large prompted me to keep trying my luck and see what other surprises awaited me and I am pleased to announce that I have officially moved from a size 18 jean to a size 16 but in lieu of the budget and the upcoming visit from the oil man the jeans had to stay behind, but only for awhile as I intend on cleaning closets if by chance my new favorite weatherman is wrong, that is how I will spend my snowbound hours!
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