My home office faces the front of the house and my desk is kiddie cornered between the wall and the window so I can see what is going on outside my window, and today I am looking at the calm before the storm. I live on a main street, as I have said before the snow banks are so high that getting out my driveway takes an act of courage. I gingerly ease out, honking my horn to alert traffic and try not to brace for impact as I know the injuries could be worse that way. There is no place to put the snow and and the local weathermen have upped our anticipated snowfall totals, I sit in the 20" to 24" (sigh).
As I look out the window I see my neighbor readying for work and she is putting a shovel in her car, I get that, I have been stranded in a snow bank before and tried to remove snow with my hands and my snow broom, needless to say I stayed stranded until some kind person stopped with the shovel.
We have the potential for some dangerous situations, I look outside the window and see that same neighbor has not shoveled their roof, and they have a flat roof, I have been noticing a lot of flat roofs lately and am grateful mine is not. I resist the urge to suggest they take care if that as I see approx two feet on it already and wonder if it can withstand more.
The traffic on my street is moving well, everyone doing what I plan to be doing get your errands down, and hunker down.Within the next few hours this street will be littered with cars attempting to get up the very slow long incline to get home, it is always an amazing sight, one I like to see from my window and not the tail lights ahead of me.
A few years we went through an ice storm that to me was the worst winter I recall, with the exception of the Blizzard of 78, but I was a kid than and I loved that, it was before all the worries in life concerned me, like now! That ice storm left me without power for a week, and I had pneumonia at the time and was forced to stay in my home to keep water running and make sure pipes did not freeze and my pets were kept safe. That makes this storm look like a piece of cake.
Today I am going to try to look at the upcoming storm as an opportunity to have some quiet time, cook healthy meals, try a new exercise Dvd and practice some yoga pose that I may need for the class I will be joining. I want to also quiet the feeling of impending doom I have about all the dangers as if I can do that, than surely I can apply the same skills to quiet my inner discontent about the plateau I feel I am headed for, I can see the danger but not obsess before it happens and instead be prepared and ready to handle it. I have the tools and supplies for the storm and I have the tools and supplies to get though my weight loss journey, We can do this!!
My Granddaughter is bubbling with the idea of " More Snow Storm Mimi!" I shall follow her lead.............. ( I will let you know how that goes....LOL)
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