Yesterday I had planned to get all my errands done before the snow started. I had done my homework, listened to the weather and knew I had three good hours before the snow would start. I wrote a grocery list that included healthy choices. I had an appointment three towns away and as I headed out he door I saw that the snow had prematurely started.
I did my usual dust off the windshield with my mitten covered hand as it seems this year in between all the snow storms we always wake up to a " Dusting" on the car and ground.
I went to my appointment and had to park half a mile away as the parking everywhere is atrocious, there is truly no place to put all this snow, and parking lots are being swallowed up by gigantic banks of snow that is encrusted in ice. Roads that used to serve as just roads are now covered with cars parked along the sides, makeshift parking spots. When I finally reached my destination after walking half a mile in the street as even the sidewalks at most places are the resting spot for snow that we have no idea what to do with, I was a little late. When I exited the building an hour later the snow was falling in grand style! My first instinct is familiar to these days, I curse the Weather Men!! " You Said afternoon!! It is Still Morning!! " I am being kind and leaving a few expletives out. Those poor Weathermen, they get the curses and it is really Mother Nature, but we are too afraid these days to anger her!!
I had to get driving back through a few towns and still pick up some groceries and basically buck up and drive. So much for my plans to be and out before it all starts. I walked the half mile to my car and cleared it from the snow and embarked on the ride home, I passed a few cars off the road and than found myself behind the safety of a state plow truck, I love when that happens, and for 10 miles that is where I slowly plugged along from. In those ten miles I slipped a little hear and there and I also got the opportunity to think about the best route home, on a clear day the Highway would be the best, and I was approaching the exit, it would shave 15 miles off the commute,in this weather it instilled fear, but the back windy roads held the safety of slow purposeful driving, houses to seeks shelter if need be, fellow slow travelers who can help if need be, but my personal snow favorite, slow driving. I went for the slow driving and it was slow. I quickly feel into a routine that I was familiar with, fall more than 4 car lengths behind the car in front of me, gently steer into a slide and do not jerk the wheel in resistance, going to need to stop at a light or sign, put the car into second gear, naturally slow the vehicle do not jerk the brakes on, headed down a steep hill, second gear, than first. Do not obsess about the guy behind you, you can only control your driving, and worrying about him, distracts you. What was usually a twenty five minute drive took me and hour. When I reached five minutes from home, I took a break at the grocery store, quickly gathered the food I needed and embarked on the rest of the trip home, 5 minutes took twenty.
I need to quickly fall into a routine with my eating too, during these back to back storms as even though my plans were set, I never made it to the gym yesterday as the snow started early. The shoveling started earlier and the stress driving made me really want to eat. I came home and emptied the groceries and at 12:30 I realized I had yet to have breakfast or lunch. Brunch could have become, cheese and crackers straight from the package, icecream, even though in the freezer in one cup serving bowls, it hardly should be the first meal of the day! I decided on a healthy salad with Tuna. All day long I wanted to eat, I chose well, I fell into a OP pattern, knowing this too would pass.
My plans to make the gym feel through with the early snow, my Ap's yesterday were that of shoev eling and that is ok, today I will do better, and add in a exercise DVD.
I adapted!
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