Another cold day in New England and a quiet day at my house, I dropped Granddaughter back off with her mom, I had her for the last 36 hours and she fun, and a tad exhausting, we were busy and I am grateful that I have the energy to keep up with her, but I am admittedly tired.
I am longing for some inspiration and have been reading blogs and feeling a like I just need a push, to read something and be inspired to get myself out the door and to the gym. Maybe it is the long cold winter or maybe that I see a job and my career moving in a direction albeit the new job does not start for a few weeks, but something is sapping my energy levels and I feel low. So I read blogs, and the comments that go with them and I feel something happen within me, it is a realization that I need to inspire me. I need to be my cheerleader here. The only way I am going to reach the success that is mine is if I do the taking.
Somewhere I read, Do the work and the inspiration will come, I like that and I can see where in the past that has happened for me, especially with the gym. It could be that when I push myself to get there and I put the effort in, the endorphins kick in and I just feel better, or maybe it is I see the progress, could be both but it does inspire me.
This Winter that is so draining will go, the days are already getting longer and the sun ( when shining) is shining longer and I know that under all that snow lies my gardens, I will be tending to them soon,and I will be walking through my favorite trails, my job will start and I will feel better. Until than I have to push and yes inspire myself to keep working for my success. Success for me is the weight loss to continue, and my body to be healthy and strong, being fed food for living and to have walked away from the feeding my body to make my head feel better. I am reminded of my mantra early on in this journey and that was whenever I felt sad, I would eat and I replaced that with
" There is nothing you can eat that will make this feel better". Jillian on the Biggest loser helped cement that with me when she said " Hunger is not a Feeling" to me that meant you can substitute sadness with a cookie, or any food item.
My mantra to get me out to the gym on days like today when I want to just stay cozy warm inside is "Do the work and the inspiration will come."
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