Sunday, July 31, 2016


While looking for a new home for a blog I had on the Weight Watchers site ( they are eliminating that privilege) I was advised by my Dear daughter to try this site. While logging in as what I thought would be a new user, my email sent me to this blog, I had completely forgotten that 5 years ago my other daughter had started to help me move my blog to a more public site! I am pleased to see some of my posts had been archived and hope that it makes my transition easier. I am choosing not to try and frantically move years 2011 through present to this blog and will instead fill in some blanks as we go. 2012 thru 2015 I lose 4 people in my life, two mother's one biological the other by marriage, my brother and my dad and I ate through my grief. December of 2015 I dragged myself to a Dr with complaint of unendeing fatigue that I attributed to grief, and learned that I had suffered a silent heart attack, and it was my turn to take care of me of let my familie's loss's continue, and here I am, thrity pounds down and the journey continues. That is as brief of a summary as I can muster, LOL, so as to not rehash what so many of my fellow Weight Watchers have already read more than once while on the Weight Watchers Community site. What you can expect to read here is the challenges, and successes of me losing my emotional eating habit, regaining my health as I lose my weight and finally conquer the biggest struggle of my life, my weight, You ready? I am!!