Saturday, November 6, 2010

Throwing Away Food

I have been throwing away a fair amount of food these days, and I just did it again. Somewhere in the recess of my head I hear " There are starving children in Ethiopia( insert whatever country your mom used) ,,,,,," I heard that a lot growing up, as I am sure a lot of us did. As a child I like many always wanted to offer back " than please send it to them." Common sense prevailed though as my mother was a hot head and believed in corporal punishment and had the fasted backhand in the Northeast.
Today is a different story though, the food I am throwing away can not be shipped or sent to a food pantry, I would do that as we all know the starving children reside in our very own country now. The food I am throwing out is food that I bought or cooked thinking I would like it, but I do not, and being wasteful to me now is , eating something I do not like or enjoy it is wasting my points and wasting my efforts.
From previous posts if you read or follow them, I am a self proclaimed Chocolate lover and every day I have a piece. I count the points and I keep the chocolate in my desk drawer and have many different bars opened at a time. Last week I bought a Lindt Dark Chocolate with orange. Well, I have eaten half the bar at three different times and it is not for me, just not something I enjoy and today I just threw it away. Half of a $3.99 bar of chocolate in the trash. My efforts, of tracking, intense gym workouts, meal planning, exercising with Jillian in front of a TV wielding a kettle bell, are worth the $3.99. This is a big revelation for me, and as much as I hate to be wasteful I know that for me and my healthy relationship with food. I need to stop eating when I am full, eat because I am hungry and eat what I enjoy and not eat for others, or because I spent money on the food and do not want to be wasteful. Reality is now the same as it was as child, because I do not eat it, it can not be shipped and it will not help any starving child in whatever country, even our own. Learning to take care of me will give me the strength and knowledge to be able to help others. This said I am not going to let myself feel guilty or make anyone else feel guilty for not eating something they do not like, I get it.
Now about the chocolate, I am loving that one piece satisfies me, and that the better the chocolate the smaller piece I can eat and still be satisfied. For any other chocolate lovers out there, Dark is my favorite and I have found a great new ( new to me) chocolatier that just makes me heart sing

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