Two weeks ago due to losing 32 pounds I lost a point from my dailies. First thought no problem, after great consideration it is a Big Deal.

I decided that I use 3 dailies on half and half with my coffee, so I could go Fat Free half and half, but that interferes with my desire to be clean eating, less processed and face it fat free cream is like butterless butter, gross and just does not equate to clean eating.

So than I thought if I cut back on my Merlot ( again for my heart) granted it is not daily but it would buy me slack on some days.

I could always add more activity and keep my points the same, however I am walking twice a day, just recently added the second walk and quite frankly I am not quite loving it yet.

This is a lot of thought for one point, unfortunately no APS are earned for over thinking things.

Today right in front of my face I found the extra point. My once a day dark chocolate, for my heart ;)
I eat 2 squares of Lindt 77 cacoa dark chocolate for 2.5 points. Cut that in half and I am in business and seriously if I could bring myself to 2 squares, from one whole bar ( for my heart) than surely I can cut to 1 square and although I have been told dark chocolate and Merlot is good for your heart I am sure a little goes a long way!

Tada... prorblem solved, Thanks for reading, if you are reading!